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larissajodee BLOG
larissajodee BLOG
larissajodee BLOG
larissajodee BLOG
I am a small town Kiwi girl with big dreams that I am ready to put into action. I am fortunate enough to have been born into a world full with opportunities and I plan to make the most of my time on this planet. 
When I decided to move to the other side of the world, I was running away from growing up. Having just completed my three year Bachelor of Communication Studies degree, I felt that life was moving too quickly and I was really not ready to settle into a full time 'grown up' job. I left the nest and headed for the most furthest possible point on the globe from home!
Little did I know that by packing up my life into one suitcase I had received the greatest gift I could ever give myself: The chance to grown up on my own, to discover who I am and where I fit into this world.
My passion for travel, my love of all things lists, and an attitude to make the most out of every situation has proved a force to be reckoned with as I explore the globe.
In May 2014 I began communicating via email with my Nana as a way to share my recent adventures and this new lifestyle I had created for myself with her.
I started saving the emails so that one day I could read back on my travels, almost as a bit of a diary or journal.
I decided that this was a great way to document my travels, and I began forwarding these emails on to other friends and family members. I thought perhaps that others might also be interested in my experiences. 
The transformation into a blog has been one of my proudest achievements! It has given me a platform to share my experiences and knowledge with the world in a way I would have never thought possible. It has made me accountable for ensuring I take every opportunity presented to me and make the most of this life I am lucky enough to be living. 
I believe in striving to reach your full potential in life, be it visiting that place that has always sparked your interest, to emersing yourself in a whole new way of life. Travel opens ones mind up to new ideas and thoughts and new understandings of the world we live in. It allows you to discover who you are and who you want to be.
I believe you have a plan, deep within yourself that has stayed there far too long. I am here to help you bring it to life. To make the most of your time on this earth. 
I believe you have it in you to push those boundaries and learn new things about yourself, through the power of travel and getting outside your comfort zone.
I believe that you deserve the happiness I have found in travel. I am determined to give you the tools to create those feelings in every part of your existance. 
This has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. I have learned to appreciate the lifestyle that I was so lucky to be born into on a whole new level. I no longer take the life that I ran away from for granted but I have learnt to embrace it and accept that it has made me who I am today. I have discovered invaluable insights not only about myself but about the world around me and how differently the world can be viewed through anothers eyes. 
I have learnt to to trust myself in the real world. I am living a dream. A dream that one day, when I am old and grey, I will look back on and thank myself for embracing with open arms and an open mind. I am a stronger person than the one who ran away two years ago. 
Life is an amazing thing. We are shaped by people and places, experiences and things, big and small, planned and unexpected. I know that this is just the beginning. Life still has a lot of lessons to throw my way. I find it helps to remember that deep inside us all, home will always be waiting to welcome you back.
Thank you for checking out my blog. If this has sparked something in you, dont be afraid to get in touch! Feel free to add me on Facebook and follow me on Twitter, Instagram and/or Pinterest; I would love to hear from you!
I hope you will join me on this adventure.
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